Chris•tian fem•i•nist
/ˈkrisCHən/ /'femənəst/
A blog celebrating the fundamental equality and value of all individuals, regardless of gender, while also recognizing and honoring the unique roles and gifts that God has given to men and women.
Liberating Yourself from Limiting Beliefs
Have you ever felt like you're not enough, like your dreams are too big, or that you're destined to stay in the same unfulfilling place forever? You're not alone. In a world obsessed with perfection and success, it's easy to internalize the whispers of doubt that tell us we're not capable, worthy, or deserving. But what if I told you those whispers aren't truths but lies?
Breaking the Mold: Jesus, Gender + Equality
Let's dive right into the thick of it: societal norms and gender expectations. We live in a world where pink is for girls, blue is for boys, and the kitchen is a woman's domain. But these stereotypes are not just outdated - they’re a roadblock to social equality.
Redefining Womanhood Beyond Roles
Let’s talk about something that often gets lost in translation: the phrase "Eshet chayil," which means "woman of valor." Too often, society—and yes, sometimes even our beloved church—tries to box us women into neat little categories, defined by what we do rather than who we are. But here’s the twist…
What is Christian Feminism?
In a world where being a Christian and a feminist often seem at odds, I proudly stand as a modern, humble, yet strong woman who embraces both identities.